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Possible Sentence Outcomes for Denver Criminal Convictions

With every crime in Colorado, there is a sentencing range that applies based on Colorado's sentencing statute. The question many of our clients have after being charged with a crime is what these sentencing ranges are. When someone is sentenced following court or trial, a judge is the one who determines what his or her sentence ends up being. In Jefferson and Adams County, and across Colorado, there are various sentencing ranges for a misdemeanor or felony offense.

Sentencing Range for a Felony in Arapahoe County

When convicted of a felony, you do not face jail time. Instead, you may face time in the Colorado Department of Corrections. You should always speak with a knowledgeable criminal lawyer if you're facing any criminal charges, but particularly so with a felony charge. An expert attorney will be able to discuss felony convictions with you in more detail.

Class - Sentencing

Class 1 Felony - Life or death sentence

Class 2 Felony - 8-24 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections

Class 3 Felony - 4-12 years in DOC

Class 3 Felony (Extraordinary Risk) - 4-16 years in DOC

Class 4 Felony - 2-6 years in DOC

Class 4 Felony (Extraordinary Risk) - 2-8 years in DOC

Class 5 Felony - 1-3 years in DOC

Class 5 Felony (Extraordinary Risk) - 1-4 years in DOC

Class 6 Felony - 1 year to 18 months in DOC

Class 6 Felony (Extraordinary Risk) - 1-2 years in DOC

Possible sentencing ranges are determined by how a case is plea bargained or how a judge determines the case.

What is the Possible Sentence Range for Misdemeanors in Denver?

Class - Sentencing

Class 1 Misdemeanor - 6-18 months in the Arapahoe County Jail

Class 1 Misdemeanor (Extraordinary Risk)- 6-24 months in the Denver County Jail

Class 2 Misdemeanor - 3-12 months in the Jefferson County Jail

Class 3 Misdemeanor - 0-6 months in Adams County Jail

Always consult a criminal defense lawyer to discuss possible sentencing ranges.

Sentence Possibility for Petty Offenses in Colorado

Class 1 Petty Offense

Up to 6 months in the El Paso County Jail

Class 2 Petty Offense

Possible fine

It is always in your best interest to consult an expert criminal defense lawyer if facing criminal charges, and to discuss more in-depth about what sentencing could look like for various crimes.

Get Help Now

If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges in the Denver area, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the top criminal defense lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future. Request a Free Consultation


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