Whenever someone is convicted of a sex crime such as Incest, Unlawful Sexual Contact, Sexual Assault or Indecent Exposure, he / she must register as a sex offender (C.R.S. 16-22-103) in Denver and Littleton, Colorado. Sex offender registration is hindering in many ways. Fortunately, there are some cases where people are able to deregister as a sex offender (C.R.S. 16-22-113). As aggressive criminal defense attorneys in Denver, we offer insight and guidance into deregistering as a sex offender in Colorado.
How Does Sex Offender Deregistration Work in Colorado?
In Adams and Jefferson County, and across Colorado, you must first petition the court for a court order permitting sex offender deregistration. This can be a difficult process in the filing and in the court hearing. Once you've filed a petition, a judge ultimately decides at a hearing whether or not to grant your petition. Sex offender deregistration can be a lengthy process. You shouldn't assume that you can deregister because you've petitioned the court. If you discontinue sex offender registration without a court order, you could face charges of Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, C.R.S. 18-3-412.5.
Deregistering as a sex offender can be a lengthy process. If you have questions, contact an aggressive sex crimes defense attorney.
What Judges Look for Before Granting a Petition in Arapahoe County
Judges in Arapahoe County and across Colorado look for support from those associated with your criminal case before granting your petition. For instance, they may look to people like:
- The Victim
- The Parole Officer
- The Prosecuting District Attorney
- The Probation Officer
- Treatment Professionals
Having positive input from each of these individuals is vital. Judges don't have the time to get to know you and every other sex offender out there. That's why they often rely so heavily on credible men and women associated with your life and criminal case. Their testimonies are what our attorneys use to help in your sex offender deregistration process. Judges may also rely on the public to help them finalize a decision of letting you deregister. They will look at how a sex offender may be negatively impacting the public. They'll also look at whether sex offender registry is hurting a sex offender's daily life (not being able to obtain a job, housing or creating conflict with others, etc.). That's also where our aggressive criminal defense lawyers fight hard for you. We'll prove to the judge that your sex offender registration is taking a toll on you and that you are not a threat to the public.
When Can I Deregister as a Sex Offender in Denver?
Not all sexual offenses in Denver and Douglas County allow sex offender deregistration. The law is specific about who can deregister as a sex offender. Depending on a few factors, such as your level of offense, final release from the jurisdiction of court and whether you've been convicted of a sex crime more than once, the time you can petition to deregister varies. Let's look at what I mean:
Class 1, 2 or 3 Felony (not a quarterly offense)
The number of years before a petition may be made:
20 years
Class 4, 5 or 6 Felony
The number of years before a petition may be filed:
10 years
Class 1 Misdemeanor
The number of years before a petition may be filed:
10 years
All other misdemeanor offenses
The number of years before a petition may be filed:
5 years
Deferred judgment and sentence / adjudication
A petition may be filed after:
a successful sentence completion and case dismissal
Under 18 years old when adjudicated
A petition may be filed generally after:
a successful sentence completion
You should note that these numbers are not hard and fast. Some sex crime convictions do not permit sex offender deregistration ever. You should always consult an expert criminal defense attorney for exact details surrounding your case. Your case is unique and should be evaluated carefully by an experienced lawyer before making any decisions about deregistration.
A Denver Sex Crimes Attorney Can Help You Deregister as a Sex Offender
Our primary goal to help you deregister as a sex offender is to prove your low risk of reoffending to the judge.
Our main goal as your criminal defense attorneys is to prove to the judge that there's a low risk for you to reoffend. We help prove this low risk by showing the judge completed risk assessments by treatment professionals and testimonials from the community. Your criminal record should show the judge that you have not reoffended for five to ten years. We know exactly what the judges are looking for and work hard to give them every reason to grant your petition to deregister as a sex offender in Denver, Aurora and across Colorado.