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1st Degree Assault Lawyer in Aurora | CRS 18-3-202

Posted by Kyle B. Sawyer | Dec 20, 2023 | 0 Comments

1st Degree Assault Lawyer

1st degree assault in Aurora, Colorado is the most serious form of this violent crime. Charges of this nature typically follow when someone is accused of seriously injuring another person intentionally, often with a deadly weapon. While firearms and knives are routinely used in a first-degree assault, using a vehicle to seriously injure someone can apply as well.

Fights or violent acts that result in broken bones, bad burns, or permanent disfigurement sometimes lead to charges of assault in the first degree in Denver, Jefferson, and Arapahoe County. If you or someone you know is facing an allegation of seriously injuring another, it's time to consult an experienced 1st degree assault lawyer.

Aurora First-Degree Assault Law

Aurora's first-degree assault law prohibits intentionally causing serious injury to another. CRS 18-3-202 addresses the specifics of 1st degree assault throughout Colorado. You commit this crime in Denver, Aurora, or Lakewood if you:

  • intend to cause and do cause another person's serious bodily injury,
  • seriously and permanently disfigure someone intentionally,
  • destroy, amputate, or permanently disable someone's body part or organ,
  • seriously hurt a person while acting in a way that creates a significant risk of death and shows an extreme lack of concern for the value of human life,
  • strangle or suffocate someone resulting in serious bodily injury,
  • or use a deadly weapon to threaten serious injury to a police officer

Serious bodily injuries refer to those that carry a substantial risk of death or permanent disfigurement. Additionally, injuries that result in loss or impairment of the function of a body part or organ apply to first-degree assault as well. In some cases, these factors will show up after an injury is sustained, possibly leading to the more severe 1st degree assault charge.

What are the Penalties for 1st Degree Assault in Aurora?

Each assault case in Colorado is unique. The penalties for a conviction differ in each situation. As a class 3 felony, a first-degree assault charge can result in:

  • a prison sentence of 10 - 32 years,
  • fines of $3K - $750K,
  • 5 years of parole

Serious felonies come with other difficult consequences as well. A conviction impacts second amendment rights and often creates many hurdles in finding employment and housing. Failed background checks block the ability to land many jobs and can deter lenders when it comes to obtaining certain loans.

Aurora Assault Attorneys

When facing something as major as first-degree assault, finding the best criminal defense attorney is crucial. Our strategic lawyers have decades of combined experience fighting assault charges throughout the Denver area and our results speak for themselves. Perhaps you were acting in self-defense, there was a lack of intent, or the injuries themselves are being exaggerated. Contact our office

Contact our office today for a free, confidential consultation. We will carefully analyze your unique case, as well as suggest next steps. Our 24/7 defense attorneys offer same-day jail visits, affordable fees, and flexible payment plans. Skilled representation is a reality for those facing criminal allegations.

Don't talk to the police about an assault charge - talk to us. 303-830-0880

 Photo by Bill Oxford

About the Author

Kyle B. Sawyer

I have a passion for defending others in criminal cases. I am able to empathize with my clients and understand their emotions and fears. I have a unique perspective on the criminal justice system and I understand what it feels like to be wrongly accused of a crime.


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