3rd degree burglary charges in Denver can result when someone breaks into an item that houses money or valuables. There must be intent to commit a crime in doing so, such as theft. Lockers, cash registers, safes, and vaults are common items that are broken into to obtain whatever is inside.
While third-degree burglary is the least serious of Colorado's burglary offenses, it's still a misdemeanor. If you or someone you know is under investigation for burglary or has been charged, it's best to exercise your right to remain silent and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney right away.
Denver County 3rd Degree Burglary Law
Denver County's 3rd degree burglary law makes breaking into locked equipment unlawful. CRS 18-4-204 defines the elements of this offense throughout Colorado. You commit a burglary in the third degree in Denver, Cherry Creek, or Montbello if you:
- intending to commit a crime,
- enter or break into,
- a safe, vault, cash register, product dispenser, safety deposit box, slot machine, display case, or locker
Burglary differs from robbery in that it doesn't involve the use of force or threats towards another and taking something from them in their presence. Entering a store and waiting until it closes to steal an item from the jewelry case is an example of third-degree burglary. While many assume this offense is always a smash-and-grab job, that isn't always the case.
Will You Go to Jail for 3rd Degree Burglary in Denver?
Each burglary case is different. Penalties for conviction won't always be the same. Burglary in the third degree is at minimum a class 2 misdemeanor in Denver County, potentially resulting in:
- up to 120 days in county jail,
- a fine of up to $750
However, if the intent of the burglary was to steal controlled substances from a pharmacy or doctor's office, a class 1 misdemeanor applies. This can lead to almost a year in county jail and up to a $1K fine. Criminal convictions also create other hurdles. Trouble finding / maintaining employment, renting a place to live, and getting approved for loans are common throughout Colorado.
Denver Burglary Lawyer
With the potential penalties that exist for a burglary conviction, finding the best criminal defense attorney is crucial. We have decades of combined experience navigating burglary charges and are prepared to represent you in your unique case.
Perhaps the intent to steal wasn't formed prior to entry, the container wasn't designed to keep its contents secure, or there was police misconduct. That said, contact our law office for a free, confidential consultation. We will thoroughly look over your case, as well as recommend next steps in your defense. We offer same-day jail visits, affordable fees, and flexible payment plans for people facing criminal charges throughout the Denver area.
Don't talk to police about burglary charges - talk to us. 303-830-0880
Photo by viva.la_autumn
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