Being an accessory to a crime in Denver involves accusations of helping a criminal avoid justice in some way. Whether you help someone avoid being caught, arrested, convicted, or sentenced, serious criminal charges can follow. Cases like these sometimes include allegations of warning a suspect after police contact, giving them money to flee, or providing a place to hide.
Law enforcement will also pursue charges if you lie to them or provide false information regarding a suspect's whereabouts. If you or someone you know is facing an accessory to crime charge in Denver, Aurora, or Lakewood, exercise your right to remain silent and contact our strategic criminal lawyers.
Denver Accessory to Crime Law
Denver's accessory to crime law prohibits aiding those who've committed an offense in certain ways. CRS 18-8-105 defines the specific details of accessory to crime throughout Colorado. You commit this offense in Denver, Arapahoe, or Jefferson County if you:
- render assistance intending to hinder, delay, or prevent,
- the discovery, detection, apprehension, prosecution, conviction, or punishment,
- of another for the commission of a crime
Hiding evidence, disguising a suspect, giving them a weapon, or buying them a plane / train ticket can all lead to charges. It is important to note that these acts are different than being an accomplice. An accomplice offers help or assistance to commit the crime in the first place, whereas an accessory to crime helps after an offense occurs.
How Serious is Accessory to Crime in Colorado?
Ramifications for accessory to crime in Colorado depend on the charges themselves. If someone committed a misdemeanor offense and you're accused of being an accessory to that crime, you can be charged with a class 1 petty offense. A conviction can lead to:
- a possible county jail sentence,
- maximum fine of $500
However, being an accessory to a felony like second degree assault, burglary, or sexual assault can lead to:
- a year or more in prison,
- up to six-figure fines,
- a year or more of parole
A felony on your record can create many impactful hurdles moving forward. Failing background checks, renting an apartment or house, and difficulty sustaining employment aren't uncommon for convicted felons throughout Colorado.
Top Denver Defense Attorney for Accessory to Crime Charges
Allegations of accessory to crime are serious and require swift action by a defendant. Securing a skilled defense attorney early on has many benefits and often leads to a better outcome. We have decades of combined experience representing clients in and around Denver, Aurora, Lakewood, Boulder and Thornton and our reviews speak for themselves.
Perhaps you never provided assistance, you didn't know the person was a suspect, or the evidence against you is weak. Nevertheless, contact our office for a free, confidential consultation. We will carefully evaluate your unique situation, as well as suggest next steps. Our affordable fees and flexible payment plans make obtaining an experienced attorney possible in uncertain times.
Don't talk to police about accessory to crime accusations - talk to us. 303-830-0880
Photo by Ethan Sykes
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