Domestic violence in Arvada, Colorado is a common sentence enhancer tacked on to charges for crimes against a current or former romantic partner. While many think of DV as hitting or threatening an ex or lover, it can apply to any criminal charge or municipal code violation. This includes offenses against property, pets, other loved ones, and many other common crimes. Cases involving domestic violence allegations in Jefferson County are more complicated right from the start, as Colorado's mandatory arrest and protection order laws create additional obstacles. If you or someone you know is facing an accusation of DV in Arvada, Golden, Wheat Ridge, or Lakewood, contact a skilled domestic violence lawyer right away to protect your future.
Jefferson County Domestic Violence Enhancement
Jefferson County's domestic violence law increases ramifications for crimes against a current or former intimate partner. CRS 18-6-800.3 defines the elements of both domestic violence and an intimate relationship in the state of Colorado. Law enforcement will pursue a DV enhancement if they believe you:
- committed an act or threatened act of violence against someone you've had an intimate relationship with,
- or committed any crime against an intimate partner as a method of coercion, control, punishment, intimidation, or revenge
This casts a wide net, to say the least. It doesn't take much for police to arrive at your doorstep asking questions and looking to make an arrest. Far too often we see cases where individuals are overcharged for accidents, disagreements, or misunderstandings. Whether the charge is assault, harassment, menacing, or stalking, strategic representation is a must when it comes to domestic violence in Jefferson County.
Domestic Violence Penalties in Arvada
Penalties for cases involving domestic violence depend on the underlying offense. Charges like harassment or assault can include the ramifications for those specific crimes in addition to:
- mandatory arrest,
- a restraining order (potentially extended by the judge beyond sentencing)
- possible DV evaluation and treatment
- loss of firearm rights,
- deportation for non-citizens
On top of the punishment for the crime itself, these cases can truly upend your life. Sawyer Legal Group's defense attorneys are prepared and here to help.
Jefferson County's Top Domestic Violence Defense
With the long list of hurdles defendants face in domestic violence cases, hiring the right attorney for the job is critical. With impressive case results, superior ratings, and a strong presence in court rooms throughout Colorado, Sawyer Legal Group should be your first call. Perhaps your actions were in self-defense, an accident occurred, or the alleged victim is accusing you of things that didn't happen. Nevertheless, contact our office for a free consultation. We will thoroughly analyze your unique case and craft a path of next steps in your defense. We offer same-day jail visits, affordable fees, and flexible payment plans for those facing domestic violence allegations in Littleton, Lakewood, Morrison, Ken Caryl, Golden, Wheat Ridge, and Arvada.
Talk to us about domestic violence accusations - not the police. 303-830-0880
Photo by Alex Green
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