Driving under the influence is typically a misdemeanor offense that doesn't always result in time in jail or fines. However, the possibility of a suspended driver's license and a criminal record should be taken seriously. With a long holiday weekend upon us, DUI arrests will undoubtedly rise and we can help when they do. Contacting an expert Aurora DUI attorney is essential for those wanting to form a strong defense to drunk driving charges. With only 7 days to request a DMV following an arrest, don't hesitate to contact our office right away.
Do First Time DUI Offenders Go to Jail?
Driving under the influence is most often a misdemeanor in the state of Colorado. Potential consequences for a first time offense include 5 days – 12 months in county jail and fines of up to $1,000. Additionally, up to a 9 month suspension of a driver's license can result. In situations where a driver's blood alcohol concentration is .15% or above, a persistent drunk driver designation can apply, potentially resulting in repeat-DUI offender punishments even for a first time offender. A DUI offense after a prior conviction of DUI / DWAI in any state can result in 10 days – 12 months in county jail, up to $1,500 in fines, and a driver's license suspension of up to a year. Finally, a third DUI conviction carries ramifications of 10 days – 12 months in county jail, fines of up to $1,500, and a suspended driver's license for up to 2 years.
Underage Drinking and Driving in Aurora, Colorado
Drivers under the age of 21 are also held responsible under Colorado's DUI and DWAI laws. Underage drinking and driving (UDD) is approached with a zero tolerance policy throughout Colorado. A first time UDD is a class A traffic infraction, which is a civil violation. Consequences can include:
- $150 fine,
- 3 month driver's license suspension,
- 24 hrs of community service,
- 4 points on a driving record
However, a second or subsequent UDD when the driver's blood alcohol concentration is .02% or above, is a class 2 misdemeanor. Penalties may include:
- 10 – 90 days in jail,
- 6 month driver's license suspension,
- up to a $300 fine,
- up to 120 hrs of community service,
- 4 points on a driving record
Is Getting an Aurora DUI Attorney Worth It?
Absolutely. Our expert criminal defense attorneys have many methods to fight driving under the influence arrests, as well as Colorado DMV license suspensions. With the tight time frame that exists in challenging a driver's license suspension, it is paramount that anyone arrested for a DUI contact our office as soon as possible. We have decades of combined experience representing clients charged with drinking and driving throughout Colorado. Our results speak for themselves.
If you or someone you know is facing a DUI or UDD, be smart. Contact the expert defense lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.
Photo Credit: Pexels – rawpixel.com
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