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Carrying a Concealed Weapon Law in Jefferson County

Posted by Kyle B. Sawyer | Nov 13, 2023 | 0 Comments

Carrying a Concealed Weapon Law

The carrying a concealed weapon law in Jefferson County makes it unlawful to carry a firearm or knife concealed on your person in many scenarios. Additionally, bringing a firearm or explosive device into a location where government business occurs is also prohibited.

When someone carries a weapon without a specific permit or under certain restrictions, criminal charges can follow. If facing a violation of the carrying a concealed weapon law in Colorado, reach out to a particularly skilled criminal defense attorney right away.

Unlawfully Carrying a Concealed Weapon in Colorado

CRS 18-12-105 addresses unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon throughout the state of Colorado. A person commits this offense in Lakewood, Golden, or Arvada if they:

  • knowingly and willingly hide a firearm on their person,
  • carry a hidden knife (blade length longer than 3.5 in),
  • or carry, bring, or possess a weapon or other dangerous item into a location where government business takes place

There are however exceptions for carrying a concealed weapon, which include:

  • with a valid concealed carry permit,
  • in a private vehicle for the purpose of self defense,
  • on property you own (home and business),
  • as an on-duty police officer,
  • as an on-duty probation or parole officer

Will I Go to Jail for Unlawfully Carrying in Jefferson County?

Violation of Colorado's concealed weapon law is a class 1 misdemeanor as a first-time offense. Conviction can result in:

  • up to 364 days in county jail,
  • fines of up to $1,000

However, a second violation of the concealed weapon law within 5 years increases penalties substantially. Now a class 5 felony, potential consequences include:

  • 1 – 3 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections,
  • up to $100,000 in fines

The felony conviction also results in the loss of the right to own or even possess a firearm moving forward.

Jefferson County Concealed Weapons Attorney

The laws surrounding concealed weapons in Colorado are especially complex and contain some exceptions. People often break these laws with no intent of doing so.

Perhaps you didn't know you were in possession of the weapon, you had a valid permit, or you were on property you own. Nonetheless, contact our office for a free initial consultation with an experienced firearms attorney.

We offer same-day jail visits, affordable fees, and flexible payment plans for those facing accusations throughout Colorado.

Don't talk to police about an unlawful carry charge - talk to us. 303-830-0880

Photo by un-perfekt

About the Author

Kyle B. Sawyer

I have a passion for defending others in criminal cases. I am able to empathize with my clients and understand their emotions and fears. I have a unique perspective on the criminal justice system and I understand what it feels like to be wrongly accused of a crime.


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