Manslaughter in Colorado is a crime that involves situations where someone recklessly causes the death of another. While there might not have been intent to end someone's life, charges result from actions that created a risk of death. A Colorado man was recently accused of fatally beating another man on July 4th after he believed his prescription medications were stolen. The altercation resulted in a traumatic brain injury, which led to the other man's death the following evening. It is crucial that anyone facing an accusation of this nature obtain a skilled Colorado manslaughter attorney right away.
What is Felony Manslaughter in Colorado?
C.R.S. 18-3-104 defines the circumstances of manslaughter throughout Colorado's counties, cities, and towns. Someone commits manslaughter when they:
- recklessly cause the death of another person,
- or intentionally cause or aid another's suicide
Recklessly is a key term in this definition. This means that there is a substantial and unjustifiable risk of death in regards to someone's actions. Physically fighting another person is considered risky behavior that ignores the potential of serious, even life-threatening injury. It is important to note that while there are some similarities, this is a different offense than second degree murder and criminally negligent homicide due to intent and level of awareness. Additionally, encouraging or assisting another person in taking their own life is also charged as manslaughter in Colorado.
How Many Years Do You Get in Jail for Manslaughter in Colorado?
A manslaughter conviction in Colorado is a class 4 felony. Possible consequences include 2 – 6 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections and a fine of up to $500,000. There is also a mandatory parole period of 3 years following release from incarceration. Those with a felony on their record can also experience difficulty passing certain background checks, finding and maintaining consistent employment, and obtaining financial loans.
Expert Colorado Defense Attorney for Violent Crimes
There is a great deal on the line with an accusation of manslaughter. Hiring an experienced Colorado manslaughter attorney is paramount. Sometimes deaths are accidental, like scenarios involving sober drivers or situations like hunting accidents. Other scenarios exist where someone is acting in self-defense or defense of others and their force results in the death of another person. Sadly, prosecutors sometimes don't care what your unique situation might be and conjure up a charge regardless. We are hear to understand your side of the story and help form a strong defense on your behalf. Your best possible outcome is our priority and we have decades of combined experience in Colorado fighting for our client's future.
If you or someone you know is facing a manslaughter accusation, proceed carefully. Contact the skilled defense lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.
Photo Credit: Pexels – it's me neosiam
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