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Controlled Substance Attorney in Adams County, Colorado

Posted by Kyle B. Sawyer | Jan 15, 2019 | 0 Comments

It is unlawful to possess a controlled substance in Adams County, and throughout Colorado. While marijuana used to fit in this category, new laws protect its use and distribution. This is not the case, however, for addictive substances such as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine. These substances are debilitating and incredibly harmful to one's health, thus raising the severity of consequences when it comes to their use and distribution. Skilled representation from a Controlled Substance Attorney is vital for your future.

Drug Crime Consequences | Attorney in Adams County

Our criminal defense attorneys have decades of experience fighting charges of possession of a controlled substance. Colorado has been and is currently revamping its laws regarding drug possession. However, if charged, you still face significant consequences that will negatively impact your life. For example, employment, housing, and family life can all crumble at the onset of a controlled substance conviction. Drug offenses can be the most damaging when it comes to background checks. Potential employers might hesitate to hire someone involved in these crimes, assuming the worst. Attempting to rent an apartment or house might become an issue as landlords shy away from involving themselves in your situation. Social Services can also negatively impact your life by deeming you unfit to parent or act in that role. Don't face these circumstances without an experienced controlled substance attorney working on your behalf.

Controlled Substance Attorney for Possession Charges in Thornton

Possession / distribution of more serious substances such as Ecstasy, Crystal Meth, and LSD are prosecuted more aggressively in Colorado. As a result, dealing or distributing these drugs or manufacturing them for sale will result in the harshest penalties. However, Possession of a Controlled Substance can sometimes be met with somewhat of a second chance. Circumstances and representation from a top rated defense lawyer can sometimes result in a reduced misdemeanor plea or deferred judgement to a felony. Fortunately, treatment is becoming more and more of a priority for drug users as opposed to lengthy periods of time behind bars. In contrast, repeat offenders or those who don't complete treatment are met with consequences similar to those who distribute and manufacture these substances.

Controlled Substance Classifications | Adams County Lawyer

Drug crimes are classified into schedules depending on the substances involved. Below is a quick snapshot and examples from a controlled substance attorney:

  • Schedule I C.R.S. 18-18-203 = most dangerous, no medicinal purpose, easily abused (Heroin)
  • Schedule II C.R.S. 18-18-204 = some medicinal use, considered addictive (Cocaine, Methamphetamine)
  • Schedule III C.R.S. 18-18-205 = not as addictive, less abused (Vicodin and other prescription drugs)

The attorneys at Sawyer Legal Group have the know-how to get the best possible outcome for your drug case. We are court room savvy, assertive, and have years of experience on our side. If you or someone you know is facing charges involving controlled substances, call us today at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo Credit: Pixabay – lechenie-narkomanii

About the Author

Kyle B. Sawyer

I have a passion for defending others in criminal cases. I am able to empathize with my clients and understand their emotions and fears. I have a unique perspective on the criminal justice system and I understand what it feels like to be wrongly accused of a crime.


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