Our Arapahoe County, Colorado criminal defense attorneys routinely deal with charges of False Reporting to Authorities under C.R.S. 18-8-111. False Reporting breaks down into several distinct categories of activity the government has labeled as a crime. For example, false reporting could be when a person pulls a fire alarm when there is no fire. Another crime could occur when a person files a report with the police about an incident that didn't happen. Again, you will be charged if you tell the Littleton Police Department false identifying information. Last, false reporting is providing police with false identifying information. Basically, providing a fake driver's license or giving a false name.
Examples of Lawyers Defending False Reporting Allegations in Aurora, Colorado
The Aurora Police Department files many cases of False Reporting to Authorities in Colorado. These cases are filed in both Aurora Municipal Court and Arapahoe County District Court. As lawyers who fight the government's allegations against you, we see a variety of people from all walks of life charged with lying to the police. I once had a client who was charged with Theft from a Walmart store. Unfortunately, his situation was compounded when he told the cops that he was the victim of an Assault. The story he made up to avoid Theft charges ended up hurting him even worse in the long run. I have even seen cases where a client was pulled over for Speeding and wasn't honest with the officers about his true name.
A Lawyer's Advice: Remain Silent to Avoid Charges of False Reporting in Colorado
You do not have to speak with the Sheriff's Deputies in Arapahoe County, Colorado if they are asking you about False Reporting. However, you may still need to provide basic identifying information about yourself. For instance, our defense attorney in Denver will tell you that it is always a bad idea to try and explain anything to cops or answer their questions. It never helps you and usually hurts any defense your lawyer will try to give you. You have a right to remain silent. So, use it.
Criminal Attorneys Can Help You Fight False Reporting Charges in Douglas County, Colorado
A False reporting conviction in Douglas County can have a negative effect on your future. Hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney to fight your charges of lying to the police could be the difference in your case. We will attack your charges and the evidence the State of Colorado will try to use to convict you.
So, if you are facing charges of False Reporting in Douglas County, Colorado, remember to remain silent and call Sawyer Legal Group at 303-830-0880 to speak immediately with one of our attorneys. Together, we can protect your future.
Image Credit: Pixabay – Deedee86
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