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Denver and Douglas County False Reporting | Man Calls 911 to Get Into Hotel Room

Posted by Unknown | Nov 07, 2016 | 0 Comments

Sometimes, people resort to the most dramatic measures to resolve what's typically not that serious of a situation. In one recent news story, a man is now behind bars after faking an emergency. Apparently, the man called 911 to report his 4-year-old daughter was choking on candy inside of his hotel room, which he was locked out of. He then reported no one was at the hotel to help him get back into the room. The fire department, deputies and paramedics responded to the call and went to the man's hotel room, only to find the man wasn't there. When the man eventually made it back to his room, he told all emergency responders that what they were doing was not necessary. When asked about his child, he admitted he lied about her choking because he wanted to get back into his hotel room. Access was granted to the man's room, but there were no signs of his daughter or any signs of an emergency. The man went through a lot of trouble for something that could have been resolved another way. In Denver, Douglas County and across Colorado, he would likely face charges of False Reporting to Authorities, C.R.S. 18-8-111.

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False Reporting to Authorities Definition in Arapahoe County, Colorado

False Reporting to Authorities can be charged under many circumstances in Arapahoe County and across Colorado. The definition of False Reporting to Authorities in Colorado is:

“A person commits false reporting to authorities, if:

(a) He or she knowingly:

(I) Causes by any means, including but not limited to activation, a false alarm of fire or other emergency or a false emergency exit alarm to sound or to be transmitted to or within an official or volunteer fire department, ambulance service, law enforcement agency, or any other government agency which deals with emergencies involving danger to life or property; or

(II) Prevents by any means, including but not limited to deactivation, a legitimate fire alarm, emergency exit alarm, or other emergency alarm from sounding or from being transmitted to or within an official or volunteer fire department, ambulance service, law enforcement agency, or any other government agency that deals with emergencies involving danger to life or property; or

(b) He makes a report or knowingly causes the transmission of a report to law enforcement authorities of a crime or other incident within their official concern when he knows that it did not occur; or

(c) He or she makes a report or knowingly causes the transmission of a report to law enforcement authorities pretending to furnish information relating to an offense or other incident within their official concern when he or she knows that he or she has no such information or knows that the information is false; or

(d) He or she knowingly provides false identifying information to law enforcement authorities.”

The man made a false report to police about his daughter choking and needing help, which is considered False Reporting to Authorities. He could face misdemeanor charges for his actions.

False Reporting a Misdemeanor in Jefferson County, Colorado

In Jefferson County and across Colorado, False Reporting is normally a class 3 misdemeanor. However, if someone causes by any means (including but not limited to activation) a false alarm of fire or other emergency or a false emergency exit alarm to sound or to be transmitted to or within an official or volunteer fire department, ambulance service, law enforcement agency, or any other government agency which deals with emergencies involving danger to life or property, and if committed during the commission of another criminal offense, it is a class 2 misdemeanor. Both misdemeanor offenses are subject to possible jail time and fines in Colorado.

Adams County False Reporting Charges Can Be Common: You Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer

In Adams County and across Colorado, our False Reporting attorneys often see men and women face False Reporting charges because they don't want to get in trouble for certain behavior. This behavior could include drinking underage, getting a speeding ticket or for driving with a suspended license. People don't often realize there are ways they can face separate charges for not disclosing information to police under these circumstances. In other cases, men and women face False Reporting charges for overreacting to a situation and making false reports to police to get out of that situation. There are many other ways False Reporting charges can be filed in Colorado. In every False Reporting case, it's imperative to have an experienced criminal defense attorney by your side to fight hard against the charges you're facing. Call the top criminal defense lawyers at the O'Malley Law Office today to set up a free initial consultation and protect your future.

Get Help Now

If you or a loved one faces charges of False Reporting in Colorado, be smart and exercise your right to remain silent. Then, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at the O'Malley Law Office for a free consultation at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.Request a Free Consultation

Image Credit: Pixabay – davidlee770924

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