In Denver, Arapahoe County and across Colorado, your driver's license can be placed under restraint, meaning it has been suspended or revoked. If you have been caught driving when your Colorado driver's license has been placed under restraint, you could be charged with Driving Under Restraint, C.R.S. 42-2-138. Driving Under Restraint is charged in Colorado whenever a person drives a motor vehicle on any highway in Colorado, knowing their license or privilege to drive is under restraint because of alcohol-related offenses or offenses unrelated to alcohol. Let's look at some reasons your license may be suspended or revoked in Colorado.
Facing Driving Under Restraint charges?
Get Help Now!Douglas County Driving Under Restraint Attorney: License Suspension
In Douglas County and across Colorado, your Colorado driver's license could be suspended for reasons such as accumulating 12 or more points on your driver's license, child support violations, giving alcohol to a minor, or for driving a motorcycle without insurance. However, in cases where your license has been suspended, Colorado law often allows for a red or probationary license. This means a driver can operate a motor vehicle under certain circumstances, such as going to work or school.
If you've been charged with Driving Under Restraint, you need an experienced lawyer to defend you.Driving Under Restraint Denver Attorney: Driver's License Revocation
Colorado driver's licenses can also be revoked for many reasons. Some reasons for getting your driver's license revoked in Denver, Adams County and across Colorado may be that you've gotten a DWAI or DUI, your blood alcohol content was .08 or above or you were convicted of Vehicular Homicide or Vehicular Assault. Minors operating a motor vehicle when their blood alcohol content (BAC) was between .02 and .05 can also have their licenses revoked in Colorado. Driving While Ability Impaired or Driving Under the Influence attorneys know that a license revocation can be lengthy, impairing your ability to work, or your ability to care for your children.
Driving Under Restraint Jefferson County Lawyer: Penalties Involved
A conviction of either Driving Under Restraint or Driving Under Suspension can lead to major inconveniences and consequences in Colorado. For example, depending on the reason your license is under restraint, you could face mandatory jail time in the Jefferson County Jail. For alcohol-related offenses, a 30 day jail sentence is mandatory. For offenses unrelated to alcohol, a 6 month jail sentence is possible. A second or subsequent offense of an offense unrelated to alcohol will prohibit you from getting a driver's license for three years, while a second or subsequent alcohol-related offense will lead to a 90 day mandatory jail sentence. If you've been charged with Driving Under Restraint in Jefferson County or anywhere else in Colorado, you need an experienced Colorado traffic offense lawyer who can protect your future and your rights to drive.
Get Help Now
If you or a loved one has been charged with Driving Under Restraint in Denver, Englewood or Boulder, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best Colorado Driving Under Restraint criminal defense attorneys at the O'Malley Law Office for a free consultation at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.Request a Free Consultation
Image Credit: – artur84, Pixabay – stevepb
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