Disagreements happen all of the time. They're just a part of life. We all have different opinions, different values and, of course, different personalities. Unfortunately, in some cases, having disagreements with one another can lead to harsh consequences. For instance, according to a recent news story I read, a woman was arrested after allegedly holding another woman hostage at gunpoint. Apparently, the defendant wouldn't let the victim leave the defendant's home. The victim said she went to the defendant's home regarding an argument between the two of them. The victim said the defendant held her hostage at gunpoint, threatened her and didn't let her leave. After a search of the crime scene, police collected a firearm. The defendant was allegedly brandishing the weapon. In Douglas and Denver County, the defendant could be charged with False Imprisonment. If you've been charged or arrested for False Imprisonment anywhere in Colorado, contact one of our Denver False Imprisonment criminal defense lawyers immediately.
Facing charges of False Imprisonment?
Get Help Now!False Imprisonment Douglas County Lawyer: False Imprisonment for Holding Woman Hostage
False Imprisonment, C.R.S. 18-3-303, is charged in Douglas and Arapahoe County whenever any person:
““…knowingly confines or detains another without the other's consent and without proper legal authority commits false imprisonment. This section shall not apply to a peace officer acting in good faith within the scope of his or her duties. (2) False imprisonment is a class 2 misdemeanor; except that false imprisonment is a class 5 felony if: (a)The person uses force or threat of force to confine or detain the other person; and (b) The person confines or detains the other person for twelve hours or longer.”
Because the defendant allegedly held the victim hostage at gunpoint and wouldn't let her leave, it would be considered confining or detaining her without her consent and without proper legal authority. Additionally, for holding her at gunpoint and brandishing the firearm to threaten the victim, the defendant could be charged with class 5 felony False Imprisonment for using force or threat of force to confine or detain the victim.
Adams County Domestic Violence: False Imprisonment – Domestic Violence
Always try to remain calm when in an argument with your significant other to avoid charges of False Imprisonment – Domestic Violence.
In many Jefferson and Adams County False Imprisonment cases, men and women are charged additionally with Domestic Violence. For a boyfriend who simply doesn't allow his girlfriend to leave his home after getting into a fight, the boyfriend could be charged with False Imprisonment – Domestic Violence, because he and his girlfriend qualify for being in an intimate relationship, C.R.S. 18-6-800.3(2). In many False Imprisonment – DV cases, the boyfriend or girlfriend charged often didn't even know they were doing anything wrong. They get caught up in the moment and don't think about how their actions might lead to greater consequences. It's always best to try to remain calm when you're in an argument with your spouse or girlfriend / boyfriend to avoid charges of False Imprisonment – Domestic Violence.
Why You Need the Best Denver False Imprisonment Criminal Defense Lawyers
If you've been arrested, accused or charged with False Imprisonment in Denver or Highlands Ranch, you should always involve an experienced Denver False Imprisonment criminal defense attorney early on. Misdemeanor False Imprisonment or felony False Imprisonment in Denver or Littleton, Colorado could lead to a Douglas County Jail or Colorado Department of Corrections sentence. Contact one of our expert Denver False Imprisonment criminal defense lawyers today and protect your future.
Get Help Now
If you or a loved one has been charged with False Imprisonment in Colorado, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best Denver False Imprisonment criminal defense lawyers today. You do not want any restrictions on your freedom. Call us today at 303-830-0880 for a free consultation. Together, we can protect your future.Request a Free Consultation
Image Credit: Pixabay – ErikaWittlieb
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