Denver hit and runs happen daily. Recently, there was a hit and run news story from the Colfax Marathon in Denver. First, a driver crashed into the barricades set up for the marathon. Then, when police were alerted of the driver, he drove through a parking lot, hitting several parked cars. The driver then made his way down both sides of Colfax Avenue and even onto the marathon route. Though the driving was clearly reckless, thankfully no one was hit or hurt.
Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Denver
Because this man was driving in an area closed off for a race, he could have easily injured or even killed others. If he had hurt or killed anyone, he would face Leaving the Scene of an Accident (Hit and Run) charges, C.R.S. 42-4-1601. Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Jefferson or Douglas County refers to any vehicle involved in an accident that caused minor or serious injuries, or the death of another person. The driver of the vehicle is required to stop at the scene of the accident, or as close to it as possible, without disturbing traffic. Additionally, there are duties for a driver after Hit and Runs occur, which include:
Providing the driver's name, address and registration number of his or her vehicle
If requested for it, providing his or her driver's license to any people in a vehicle that were hit
Calling for medical or surgical assistance for any injured person in an accident
Facing Hit and Run charges?
Get Help Now!Further, since the driver ran into barricades and parked cars without stopping afterwards, it is likely that he'll face Accident Involving Damage charges, C.R.S. 42-4-1602. This law states that a driver involved in an accident that caused damage to a vehicle or other property (fences, barricades) has to immediately stop at the scene of an accident, or as close to it as possible. He has to do this without disrupting traffic. Since he was responsible for hitting parked cars and barricades, his duties would include those listed in a third law, Duty Upon Striking Unattended Vehicle or Other Property, C.R.S 42-4-1604:
Stopping and locating the owner of a vehicle or property,
Providing someone his name and address, and the registration number of the vehicle he is driving, or attaching that same information as written notice to a vehicle or property, and
Making a report of the accident.
Any person that fails to stop at the scene of an accident and perform these duties could face a class 2 misdemeanor charge in Adams or Arapahoe County.
Colorado Hit and Run Consequences
Class 2 misdemeanor Class 1 misdemeanor Type of Injury or Damage: If someone does not complete required actions after:- causing damage to a vehicle or property
- causing injury or serious injury or death to another person
Why You Need the Best Denver Criminal Defense Attorneys
Beyond criminal charges, 12 points could be taken off of the man's license if he is convicted of Leaving the Scene of an Accident. It is important that anyone contacted by police consult an experienced criminal defense attorney early on in their case to protect themselves from losing their driver's license or facing a criminal conviction. We understand that sometimes good people make mistakes, and we want to be by their side to defend them.
Get Help Now
If you or a loved one is facing Hit and Run charges, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best criminal defense lawyers at the O'Malley Law Office at 303-830-0880 for a free consultation. Together, we can protect your future.Request a Free Consultation
Image Credit: – Sura Nualpradid
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