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Driving Under Restraint, Revocation and Suspension in Arapahoe County and Denver: What is the Difference Between Driving Under Restraint / Suspension / Revocation?

Posted by Unknown | Mar 24, 2017 | 0 Comments

In Arapahoe County and Denver, your Colorado driver's license can be suspended, revoked or placed under restraint for various reasons. Driving Under Restraint (DUR), C.R.S. 42-2-138, charges occur when someone drives a motor vehicle or off-highway vehicle on any highway in Colorado knowing their license or privilege to drive is under restraint for reasons related to alcohol or unrelated to alcohol. In today's blog, we'll discuss some of the reasons your Colorado driver's license could be suspended, revoked or placed under restraint in Colorado. If you're facing the revocation or suspension of your license, contact the O'Malley Law Office right away.

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Douglas County Driving Under Restraint Attorney: Reasons for License Suspensions

If your Colorado driver's license is suspended, it could be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Accumulating 12 or more points on your driver's license, C.R.S. 42-2-127
  2. Child support violations, C.R.S. 42-2-127.5
  3. Providing alcohol to an underage person, C.R.S. 42-2-127.6
  4. Driving a motorcycle with no insurance, C.R.S. 42-2-127.7

Note that there are other situations where a license can be suspended depending on the number of points accumulated and if accumulated by a minor. In cases where your license is suspended, however, Colorado law will often allow for a red or probationary license. This means you can still drive in certain situations, such as if you need to drive to your place of employment or to school.

Driving Under Restraint Lawyer in Jefferson County: Reasons for License Revocations

In Jefferson County, below are some of the reasons you can have your Colorado driver's license revoked:

  1. Receiving a Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol (DUI) or Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) conviction
  2. Receiving Vehicular Homicide conviction, C.R.S. 42-2-128
  3. Your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) was .08 or above
  4. Operating a vehicle when you are a minor and your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) was between .02 and .05

There are other reasons a person's driver's license can be revoked in Colorado, so it's important you work with a skilled criminal defense lawyer who can fight for the best possible outcome in your Jefferson County Driving Under Restraint case.

Driving Under Restraint in Adams County: Consequences of a DUR Conviction

If your driver's license has been placed under restraint in Adams County (your license has been suspended or revoked) you can face serious consequences. Mandatory jail time is possible depending on the reason for your license being placed under restraint. A mandatory 30-day Adams County Jail sentence can result for alcohol-related offenses. For offenses which are not related to alcohol, you can face up to 6 months in jail. There are other consequences for Driving Under Restraint in Colorado, such as not being able to get a Colorado driver's license for 3 years if convicted a second time of Driving Under Restraint. Because there are so many possible consequences involved upon a Driving Under Restraint conviction in Colorado, it's best to consult an experienced Driving Under Restraint attorney at the O'Malley Law Office to defend you. We want to help protect your driver's license and save you from facing possible jail time. Contact us today for a free initial consultation if you're facing the revocation or suspension of your license.

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If you or a loved one has been charged with Driving Under Restraint in Denver and you are facing the suspension or revocation of your driver's license, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best Driving Under Restraint attorneys at the O'Malley Law Office for a free consultation at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.Request a Free Consultation

Image Credit: Pixabay – Vitamin

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