Eluding police in Aurora, Colorado is a criminal offense that involves evading law enforcement. Charges can result if an officer signals you to pull over and you speed up or if you avoid them while driving recklessly. There are detailed differences between misdemeanor eluding and felony vehicular eluding that are important to note.
While being pursued by police is an alarming experience for anyone, the next choices a driver makes behind the wheel can be costly. Consult a strategic defense attorney if you're facing an allegation of eluding police in Arapahoe County.
Arapahoe County Eluding Laws
Arapahoe County's eluding laws prohibit drivers from intentionally evading law enforcement in their vehicles. CRS 42-4-1413 describes the specific details of misdemeanor eluding throughout Colorado. You commit this crime in Aurora, Englewood, or Centennial if you:
- willfully attempt to elude police,
- who have signaled you to pull over and are in a marked vehicle,
- by speeding, turning your lights off, or any other action
However, similarly related actions can result in a felony vehicular eluding charge. CRS 18-9-116.5 defines these behaviors. You commit vehicular eluding in Arapahoe County if you:
- elude or attempt to elude a police officer (knowing that you're being pursued),
- AND drive in a reckless manner
While the officer doesn't need to be in a marked vehicle or signal you to pull over, the element of reckless driving while evading is a large factor when it comes to vehicular eluding.
What are the Penalties for Eluding Police in Colorado?
Eluding penalties in Colorado depend on the specific facts of the case. In situations of eluding, a class 2 traffic misdemeanor applies. A conviction can lead to:
- up to 3 months in county jail,
- fines of $150 - $300
However, when felony vehicular eluding is charged, a felony applies. In cases where no one is injured, a class 5 felony often results. A conviction can lead to up to 3 years in prison and a minimum fine of $2,000. However, if someone is injured as you elude police, a class 4 felony applies. This can as much as double the prison sentence and substantially add to the fines.
Eluding Lawyer in Arapahoe County
Just because you've been charged with eluding in Colorado doesn't mean you're guilty. We have decades of combined experience successfully fighting charges of eluding and vehicular eluding. Perhaps the vehicle wasn't marked, you didn't know you were being pursued, or you didn't drive recklessly. That said, contact our office today for a free, confidential consultation. One of our skilled defense attorneys will carefully look over your unique case and recommend next steps, all while prioritizing your best possible outcome. We offer same-day jail visits, affordable fees, and flexible payment plans for those facing criminal allegations throughout Colorado.
Don't talk to police about eluding - talk to us. 303-830-0880
Photo by Jp Valery
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