As criminal defense attorneys in the Denver-metro area, we often meet with clients who have been wrongfully accused of a crime such as Domestic Violence, Harassment or Stalking. And, in every criminal case in Denver and Douglas County, restraining (protection) orders are issued. This means there are people facing restraining orders even when they're innocent. If you feel that a restraining order has been issued against you unfairly, you need to consult an expert Denver criminal defense lawyer immediately.
Have questions about restraining orders?
Get Help Now!What is a Restraining (Protection) Order in Denver?
A Restraining / Protection Order in Denver is a court order meant to protect an individual or individuals from a specific person. Yet, the government's efforts to “protect” often just lead to greater harm for the accused.
Will I Have a Restraining Order the Rest of My Life?
It depends on the type of restraining order you receive. In Arapahoe and Jefferson County, there are two types of restraining orders. They are:
Civil Restraining / Protection Orders (C.R.S. 13-14-102)
Criminal Restraining / Protection Orders (C.R.S. 18-1-1001)
The difference between the two restraining orders is that Civil Restraining and Protection Orders can last the rest of your life, while Criminal Restraining / Protection Orders only last until your case is dismissed or you have served your jail or prison sentence.
Restraining Orders in Littleton Are Given Unfairly
Always consult a criminal defense lawyer if you have questions about restraining orders.
Restraining orders in Littleton and Highlands Ranch are often issued unjustly. If you're accused of a crime by a victim, the police often side with the victim over the accused. Police listen to the victim even when the victim isn't telling the truth. This is dangerous and can lead to a restraining order against you that is completely unnecessary. Once a restraining order is filed against you, you are limited in many ways. For instance, you cannot contact the alleged victim of the case and you will not be able to possess a firearm. In other cases, you can't see your own kids or go to work.
Facing a Restraining Order in Denver? Contact Our Protection Order Lawyers
Our team of criminal defense lawyers recognizes the severity of a restraining order, which is why we fight so hard for the futures of those accused. People facing a restraining order in Denver or Littleton shouldn't have to suffer the humiliation when they're innocent. An aggressive lawyer is your best asset when facing a restraining order in Colorado.
Get Help Now
If you or your loved one is facing a Restraining / Protection order in Denver, Aurora or Littleton, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and call our expert criminal defense lawyers today at 303-830-0880 for a free consultation. If you're hoping for a Christian attorney to represent you, we share your values as you hire us. Together, we can protect your future.Request a Free Consultation
Image Credit: Pixabay – jarmoluk
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