Car accidents aside, seeing your car getting towed isn't a pleasant sight. It definitely wasn't a good sight for one man, who decided to set his car on fire to prevent it from being towed. Apparently, he was parked illegally in an apartment complex when the apartment building owner called the tow company. Out of fear, I'm sure, the tow truck driver then unhitched and let down the vehicle from the tow truck. Once back on the ground, the man put the fire out. Perhaps this man succeeded in keeping his car from being towed. However, he is now facing charges of Fourth Degree Arson.
Facing charges of Arson?
Get Help Now!What is 4th Degree Arson in Denver and Arapahoe County?
Fourth Degree Arson, C.R.S. 18-4-105, is charged in Denver and Arapahoe County, and across Colorado, whenever a person knowingly or recklessly starts or maintains a fire or causes an explosion, on his own property or that of another, and by so doing places another in danger of death or serious bodily injury or places any building or occupied structure of another in danger of damage.
The man in the news story fits the criteria to be charged with Fourth Degree Arson in Colorado:
1.He set his own vehicle on fire
2.He put the tow truck driver at risk of death or serious bodily injury
3.He put the tow truck (an occupied structure – 18-4-101(2)) at risk of damage if the tow truck driver was inside
How is Fourth Degree Arson Charged in Douglas County?
Class of Felony / Misdemeanor Arson Situation Jail / Prison Sentence Class 4 Felony Fourth Degree Arson If a person is endangered 2 years to 6 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections / Up to $500,000 in fines Class 2 Misdemeanor Fourth Degree Arson If only property is endangered and the value of the property is $100 or more 3 months to 12 months in the Douglas County Jail / Up to $1,000 in fines Class 3 Misdemeanor Fourth Degree Arson If only property is endangered and the value of the property is less than $100 Up to 6 months in the Jefferson County Jail / Up to $750 in finesFor endangering another person and property (that was likely valued above $100), the man could face felony or misdemeanor charges in Colorado.
Charged with Arson in Denver? Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney
If charged with Fourth Degree Arson in Denver County, Adams County or anywhere else in Colorado, your future could be at stake. You need to take action right away and call an experienced criminal defense attorney to defend your rights. At the O'Malley Law Office, our team of defense lawyers ensures all evidence in your arson case fits the charges you're facing. We fight aggressively for you in court. Don't wait – call our office today.
Get Help Now
If you or a loved one is facing Fourth Degree Arson charges in Denver, Aurora, Littleton, Englewood, or anywhere else in Colorado, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best criminal defense attorneys at the O'Malley Law Office at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.Request a Free Consultation
Image Credit: Pixabay – Antranias
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