If you are charged with Fraudulent Acts in Gilpin County then you need the help of a criminal defense attorney. Theft from a casino in Colorado is defined in C.R.S. 44-30-822. The statute recently changed from C.R.S. 12-47.1-823. Both statutes have the same language and the same punishment. However, the most important thing I have seen from representing many people charged with Fraudulent Acts is that the casinos will charge anyone with this crime. We have even appeared on Fox 31 to help people understand this crime. The Colorado Department of Revenue agents who cite people for stealing from a casino frequently overcharge the crime.
Lawyer for Casino Theft in Black Hawk, Colorado Understands how to Fight Your Charges
Many cases of Fraudulent Acts in a Casino that I have handled as a criminal defense attorney are based upon a misunderstanding. For instance, you could be playing slots at a casino in Black Hawk, Colorado. As you sit there, the slot machine next to you won't stop chiming. You then look over and notice that there is a slip of paper sticking out of it. You take it and the chiming stops. Maybe it is worth less than a dollar. But, according to the Black Hawk police department, it doesn't matter how much it is worth. I have seen people charged with theft from a casino for under three dollars. It may not seem like a big deal, but the consequences can be devastating.
What are the Consequences of Fraudulent Acts in Cripple Creek, Colorado?
In Cripple Creek and throughout Colorado, the consequences for casino theft can be life-altering. Unlike other forms of theft, theft from a casino is a class 1 misdemeanor. This means that you are facing up to a $5,000 fine and up to 18 months in jail. It doesn't matter the amount of money they allege you stole. For example, a person who takes a ticket from a slot machine for $5.00 and the person who picks up a $1,000 chip on the floor will be charged with the same crime. As attorneys for Fraudulent Acts in Cripple Creek, this is outrageous. Basically, the casinos will prosecute anyone for any amount.
Do I need an Attorney for Fraudulent Acts Charges in Central City, Colorado?
Everyone charged with Fraudulent Acts should get an attorney. Why? Because the government is constantly over-prosecuting these crimes. Without a lawyer, you will be subjected to trying to defend yourself without knowing the law. As experienced Colorado casino crimes attorneys, we know how to help you get the best result possible on your case.
So, if you or a loved one has been charged with Fraudulent Acts in Gilpin County, Colorado, call Sawyer Legal Group at 303-830-0880 to speak immediately with one of our attorneys. Together, we can protect your future.
Photo Credit: Pixabay-Stokpic
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