It has been all over the news this week; a young foster mother was arrested for Child Abuse resulting in death. Whenever I see news stories like this, my heart sinks. Not only has a child passed away, a young woman is now facing years in prison – and she leaves behind a husband and two other children. Child Abuse charges, especially when a child is injured, are taken seriously by our government in Jefferson, Denver, and El Paso County. Let's take a look at the facts of this case, and learn more about Child Abuse consequences.
Arrested for Child Abuse after a Moment of Frustration
The 20-year-old Grand Junction woman is young to be a foster parent – the Department of Human Services states the minimum age to become a foster parent is 21. But, they make exceptions when a child is related to the foster parent. In this case, the little girl was the young woman's niece. The foster parents were in the process of adopting the little girl themselves. So, what went wrong? According to the news reports, the little girl began screaming non-stop one evening. Her foster mother shook her multiple times, and then put her to bed. The little girl was lethargic at first, but then improved. But, by that evening, the little girl was becoming unresponsive, so her foster mother took her to the hospital. Unfortunately, nothing could be done to save her, and she passed away the next day. The young foster mother has been arrested for Child Abuse. She has two small children of her own.
Department of Human Services Creates Bad Situations
Situations like this happen in homes across the world and in Douglas, Adams, and Arapahoe County. Sleep deprivation, frustration, and mental exhaustion combine to create situations where babies are shaken. This doesn't mean parents don't love their children (in fact, the foster mother was in the process of adopting the little girl). Unfortunately, children's bodies are much more fragile; shaking causes brain damage. This young foster mother most likely was tired – she was caring for three children, after all. This begs the question: Why was the little girl not at home with her parents? While we can't access The little girl was in foster care because her father “told human services he used marijuana.”the records, the news reports that her biological parents fought, and the father “told human services he used marijuana.” But, even if this wasn't the perfect situation, she would have been with her parents, who would have been less likely to grow frustrated and shake her. When the Department of Human Services gets involved, families are often hurt.
What is the Sentence for Child Abuse?
The woman will most likely be charged with class 2 felony Child Abuse, which is charged when a person:
“Acts knowingly or recklessly and the child abuse results in death to the child.”
These charges can be elevated to First Degree Murder charges if the person was in a position of trust, and “knowingly” caused the death. Whatever the case, if you have been charged with Child Abuse, you need to contact an aggressive criminal defense lawyer immediately. Your future is at stake, as are contact with your children, and your reputation. Don't stand alone in court – contact one of the best criminal defense attorneys at our office for a free consultation to discuss your case. We also offer jail visits across Colorado and in the Denver area. Protect your future by working with an outstanding lawyer – we work hard to get you the best possible outcome in your case. Whether it be a jury trial or a plea bargain, we fight to win.
Get Help Now
If you or a loved one has been arrested for Child Abuse, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at the O'Malley Law Office for a free consultation at 303-830-0880. If you or a friend needs a jail visit from an attorney, we can do that. Together, we will protect your future.Request a Free Consultation
Image Credit: Pixabay – Alexas_Fotos
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