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Harboring a Minor in Colorado | CRS 18-6-601

Posted by Kyle B. Sawyer | Oct 11, 2021 | 0 Comments

Harboring a Minor

Harboring a minor in Colorado is a crime that involves sheltering or hiding a juvenile without permission. In situations where a parent or guardian hasn't given their authorization, harboring a kid can lead to substantial criminal charges. A school principal in Colorado is facing charges after allegedly refusing to inform police of where he and a suicidal student were following a threat the minor had made earlier in the day. Reports claim the principal wasn't cooperative with law enforcement initially, possibly putting others in harm's way. If you or someone you know is facing accusations like this in Denver, Lakewood, or Aurora, contact a strategic criminal defense attorney right away.

Denver Harboring a Minor Law

Denver's harboring a minor law prohibits specific actions taken in hiding someone under 18 from law enforcement. CRS 18-6-601 defines this crime throughout the state of Colorado. Police will pursue a charge if they believe you:

  • knowingly provided shelter to a minor,
  • without consent from their parent or guardian,
  • AND failed to release the minor to police after being asked,
  • -refused to disclose the minor's location to law enforcement,
  • -obstructed police from taking the juvenile into custody,
  • -assisted the minor in avoiding police,
  • -or failed to notify the parent, guardian, or law enforcement within 24 hours that shelter was provided

This creates a rather long list of unlawful actions an adult can take in regards to a juvenile that law enforcement is looking for. A closely related charge that can also result from a situation like this is obstructing a peace officer, mostly in cases where police feel someone has hindered their duties in some way.

How Bad is Harboring a Minor in Colorado?

Harboring a minor in Denver, Thornton, or Westminster is a class 2 misdemeanor. A conviction can lead to:

  • a county jail sentence of 3 - 12 months,
  • a max fine of $1,000

Additionally, certain adults in supervisory roles can encounter job loss or suspension if they're found guilty of sheltering a minor unlawfully.

Lawyer for Harboring a Minor Charges

Even taking a child in with good intentions can lead to legal trouble. Youth lead complicated lives and sometimes adults are simply trying to help. However, law enforcement is quick to charge in fear of looking lax on crime, especially when someone under 18 is involved.

Perhaps you were permitted to have temporary custody of the minor or attempts were made to notify their parent or guardian. Nevertheless, contact our office today for a free, confidential consultation. Our defense lawyers will carefully analyze your unique case, answer your questions, and suggest next steps in your defense. Our affordable fees and flexible payment plans make quality representation a reality for the accused.

Don't talk to police about harboring a minor charges - talk to us. 303-830-0880

Photo by Mary Taylor

About the Author

Kyle B. Sawyer

I have a passion for defending others in criminal cases. I am able to empathize with my clients and understand their emotions and fears. I have a unique perspective on the criminal justice system and I understand what it feels like to be wrongly accused of a crime.


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