Posting a threat online against a school, a school staff member, or student is charged as Interference with an Educational Institution in Denver, Castle Rock, and Aurora. With the current climate regarding school shootings, any threats or even potential threats are being taken very seriously. A teacher was recently arrested after her Facebook post was reported to law enforcement. According to the report, the teacher had posted that “They have a teaching planning day tomorrow and I'll def be there going to blow everyone up.” When law enforcement contacted her, she said that that was not what she meant and that she didn't plan to hurt anyone, but she was still arrested and charged with the crime.
Facing Interference with Educational Institution Charges?
Douglas County Interference with School Lawyer: Definition of Interference with Educational Institutions in Arapahoe County
The Douglas and Arapahoe County, Colorado law definition of Interference with Staff, Faculty, or Students of Educational Institutions – C.R.S. 18-9-109(6)(a) – is:
“(6) (a) A person shall not knowingly make or convey to another person a credible threat to cause death or to cause bodily injury with a deadly weapon against:
(I) A person the actor knows or believes to be a student, school official, or employee of an educational institution; or
(II) An invitee who is on the premises of an educational institution.”
Under this statute “credible threat” means a threat or physical action that would cause a reasonable person to be in fear of bodily injury with a deadly weapon or death. Threatening to blow up the school would definitely cause those in the school to fear bodily injury or death.
Sentence for Interference with Staff, Faculty, or Students of Educational Institutions in Adams and Jefferson County
In Jefferson and Adams County, Interference with Staff, Faculty, or Students of Educational Institutions is a class 1 misdemeanor, punishable by 6 to 18 months in the Jefferson County Jail and up to $5,000 in fines. No longer is it ok to even joke about these types of things. Anything that can be seen as a threat is taken very seriously, and this crime seems to be charged more and more often nowadays.
Get Help Now
If you or a loved one has been charged with Interference with Staff, Faculty, or Students of Educational Institutions, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and contact the best criminal defense attorneys from Sawyer Legal Group at 303-830-0880 to schedule your free consultation. Together, we can protect your future. Request a Free Consultation
Image Source: Pixabay-jarmoluk
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