Assault charges in Fort Collins, Loveland, and Estes Park typically stem from accusations of causing someone's bodily injury. Specifically, doing so knowingly or recklessly will lead to trouble. Whether you're accused of throwing something at someone that caused an injury or participating in a fight, contacting a lawyer for assault charges is a wise decision. We see many cases in Larimer County where defendants are overcharged, often where they were acting in self-defense, didn't behave with the necessary intent, or the injuries are exaggerated. If you or someone you know is facing 3rd degree assault allegations, consult a skilled criminal defense attorney right away. Below we discuss assault in Fort Collins in greater detail and how our office can help those accused.
Larimer County Third-Degree Assault Law
Larimer County's third-degree assault law prohibits causing bodily injury to another in specific ways. CRS 18-3-204 describes assault in the third degree throughout Colorado's 64 counties. Law enforcement will pursue charges if they believe you:
- knowingly or recklessly,
- caused another's bodily injury,
- or did so using a deadly weapon with criminal negligence
An assault can follow a situation where tempers flare, disagreements escalate, or you mistakingly injure someone with a weapon. This can be a firearm, knife, or even a car or machinery. Criminal negligence is a state of behavior that fails to perceive substantial risks. However, the term is sometimes used in situations that are much more an accident than ignorance.
How Serious is 3rd Degree Assault in Fort Collins?
Each Larimer County assault case is different. Consequences for a conviction won't always be the same. As a class 1, extraordinary risk misdemeanor, a third-degree assault charge can lead to:
- a county jail sentence of 6 - 24 months,
- fines of $500 - $5,000
Should the victim in your assault case be someone you are dating or dated at some point, a domestic violence enhancement will apply. This includes a mandatory arrest and restrictive protection order that complicates matters as the case progresses. It is important to note that charges of 2nd or 1st degree assault are felony matters, potentially leading to lengthy prison sentences, higher fines, and years of parole.
Fort Collins' Top Assault Attorney
When faced with any type of assault charge in Larimer County, defendants should turn to the top criminal lawyers for representation. At Sawyer Legal Group, 5 skilled attorneys devote their time and energy to achieving the best possible outcome for each of their clients. Just because you've been charged with assault doesn't mean you're guilty. Perhaps you were acting in self-defense, the bodily injury or pain caused was an accident, or you're being falsely accused for someone to gain leverage. Nevertheless, contact our office for a free, confidential consultation. We will carefully review your case, answer your questions, and suggest next steps. Our affordable fees and flexible payment plans make obtaining a strategic attorney possible for defendants throughout Larimer, Weld, and Boulder County.
Don't talk to the police about assault charges - talk to us. 303-830-0880
Photo by Alex Green
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