Ithink we have all experienced road rage at some point in our lives. For one man, his road rage got to the point where he felt he needed to pull out a gun. According to the news, the man first cut off a motorist and continued braking hard in front of the motorist. Then, when the motorist pulled up alongside him, he allegedly pointed a gun at her. He then responded and told the motorist that she better watch who she was dealing with. The motorist turned out to be an off-duty police officer, who alerted other police and eventually tracked the man down and arrested him. In addition to other possible charges, in Denver, Colorado, the man could face charges of Menacing, C.R.S. 18-3-206.
Facing Menacing charges?
Get Help Now!Menacing in Arapahoe and Adams County | Lawyer's Definition of Menacing
In Arapahoe and Adams County, Menacing, C.R.S. 18-3-206, charges occur whenever, by any threat or physical action, a person knowingly places or attempts to place another person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury. Since the man pointed the gun at the motorist and threatened her, he likely placed her in fear of serious bodily injury. Menacing is normally a class 3 misdemeanor in Colorado. However, it can be a class 5 felony if committed by the use of a deadly weapon or any article used or fashioned in a manner to cause a person to think the article is a deadly weapon, or by the person representing verbally or otherwise that they are armed with a deadly weapon.
Menacing and Road Rage in Douglas County | Attorney Advises Be Safe on the Road
As said before, I think we have all experienced road rage at some point. Unfortunately, it's too easy to overreact to someone else's aggressive driving in Douglas County and face an arrest or criminal charges as a result. When you experience poor driving, the best thing you can do is remain calm and don't respond in an aggressive or violent way. You could easily end up being charged after being falsely accused of starting the road rage incident. Police are often unsympathetic towards you if you retaliating as a result of road rage, even if another driver caused the road rage.
Menacing Lawyer in Jefferson County: Call Us Today
If facing charges or accusations of Menacing in Jefferson County, call the best criminal defense lawyers at the O'Malley Law Office today. Your life could change in an instant upon a Menacing charge. Your job, living situation and reputation could all be at risk. The Menacing lawyers at the O'Malley Law Office know there are many cases where men and women charged with Menacing are innocent or falsely accused. Call our office today if you are facing Menacing charges and protect your future.
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If you are looking for a Christian Colorado criminal defense lawyer who has the same beliefs as you, we can accommodate you. Be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and call the O'Malley Law Office today at 303-830-0880 for a free consultation and attorney meeting. Together, we can protect your future.Request a Free Consultation
Image Credit: Pixabay – MichaelGaida
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