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Minor in Possession of Alcohol or Marijuana in Denver | Douglas County Attorneys Defending MIP Charges

Posted by Unknown | Feb 24, 2017 | 0 Comments

In Denver and Douglas County, when a minor, child or teen is in possession of alcohol, marijuana, or marijuana paraphernalia, they can face charges of Illegal Possession or Consumption of Ethyl Alcohol or Marijuana by an Underage Person – Illegal Possession of Marijuana Paraphernalia by an Underage Person, C.R.S. 18-13-122. This crime is also known as Minor in Possession of Alcohol or Marijuana (MIP). If your child is facing an arrest or charge of MIP in Colorado, call the top criminal defense lawyers at the O'Malley Law Office immediately.

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Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Marijuana or Marijuana Paraphernalia in Jefferson County | Who Qualifies as a Minor?

In Jefferson County, a teen, child or minor under the age of twenty-one who possesses or consumes alcohol will face charges of Minor in Possession of Alcohol. Additionally, a teen, child or minor under the age of twenty-one who possesses one ounce or less of marijuana, consumes marijuana or possess marijuana paraphernalia will face charges of Minor in Possession of Marijuana or Marijuana Paraphernalia.  Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Marijuana or Marijuana Paraphernalia is a strict liability offense in Colorado.

Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Marijuana or Marijuana Paraphernalia in Arapahoe and Adams County | Consequences of MIP

Depending on the number of previous MIP convictions in Arapahoe and Adams County, a minor may face fines, a required substance abuse education program or community service. Below are the consequences involved upon a first, second or third offense of Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Marijuana or Marijuana Paraphernalia in Coloardo.

First Offense of MIP

  1. Fine of up to $100; or
  2. Required completion of a substance abuse education program; or
  3. Both a $100 fine and completion of substance abuse education program.

Second Offense of MIP

  1. Fine of up to $100;
  2. Completion of a substance abuse education program;
  3. Submission to a substance abuse assessment and completion of treatment recommended by the assessment; and
  4. Completion of up to 24 hours of community service.

Third Offense of MIP

  1. Fine of up to $250;
  2. Submission to a substance abuse assessment and completion of treatment recommended by the assessment; and
  3. Completion of up to 36 hours of community service.

MIP Affirmative Defenses and Immunities in Denver

Under some circumstances, a minor is lawfully able to consume alcohol under the age of twenty-one in Denver. Some of these circumstances include when a minor possesses or consumes alcohol on private property with permission from the owner and their parent or guardian, when consumes alcohol for medicinal or hygienic purposes, or consumes alcohol in a class, under the instructor's supervision. A minor is also immune from arrest or prosecution of Minor in Possession of Alcohol or Marijuana, such as when a minor / underage person calls 911 and requests medical assistance due to alcohol or marijuana consumption.

Minor in Possession of Alcohol or Marijuana Lawyer in El Paso County: Call Today

If your child or teen is facing charges of Minor in Possession of Alcohol or Marijuana in El Paso County, call an experienced criminal defense lawyer from the O'Malley Law Office right away. A criminal charge for possessing or consuming marijuana or alcohol, or for possessing marijuana paraphernalia in Colorado can drastically affect your child's future. It could impact their ability to qualify for scholarships, careers or school opportunities. Protect your child's future by contacting a criminal defense attorney from the O'Malley Law Office as soon as possible. In some MIP cases, your child's record can be expunged, meaning it won't be accessible to the public. The involvement of a criminal defense lawyer can make a world of difference in your child's criminal case. Call the O'Malley Law Office today to schedule a free initial consultation.

Get Help Now

If your child is facing MIP charges in Colorado, be smart and exercise your child's right to remain silent. Then, call the best criminal defense lawyers at the O'Malley Law Office at 303-830-0880 for a free consultation. We will sit down and discuss your options for coming up with a defense which will beat the government's case. Together, we can protect your child's future.Request a Free Consultation

Image Credit: – Gualberto107

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If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges in the Denver area, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the top criminal defense lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future. Request a Free Consultation
