Sexual Assault on a Child by one in a Position of Trust is a highly publicized crime that involves sexual contact between supervisory adults and anyone under 18. This felony offense carries especially harsh ramifications if convicted. A Colorado man was recently found guilty of sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust where court records indicate he used his faith to grow closer to and engage in sexual behavior with three teenage girls. Accusations of this magnitude require immediate representation from a skilled position of trust defense attorney.
Who is a Position of Trust in Colorado?
People responsible for a child's health, education, welfare, or supervision are considered to be in a position of trust in Colorado. Common roles include:
- doctors
- teachers
- pastors
- counselors
- babysitters
- parents
- step-parents
- parents of friends
If someone with one of these titles engages in sexual contact (regardless of consent) where touching of the breasts, buttocks, or genital area occurs, SAOC – Position of Trust C.R.S. 18-3-405.3 charges can result. Sometimes an adult in one of these roles has an on-going relationship with someone under 18 and a pattern of abuse can apply to the criminal charges, thus amplifying the possible consequences.
Sexual Assault on a Child by One in a Position of Trust Sentencing
A conviction of SAOC – Position of Trust in Jefferson County can impact a defendant for decades, if not the rest of their life. Sometimes these cases carry an indeterminate sentence. A class 4 felony applies to cases where the sexual assault occurs one time. Possible ramifications include:
- 2 – 6 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections,
- up to $500,000 in fines,
- supervised probation,
- sex offender treatment,
- sex offender registration
If the minor was under the age of 15 or the offense was part of a pattern of sexual abuse (occurred more than once), it is a class 3 felony. This can double the length of incarceration, increase the fines, and also substantially lengthen the period of supervised probation.
Jeffco Sex Crimes | Position of Trust Defense Attorney
The weight of a sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust charge in Littleton, Lakewood, or Golden can feel particularly unbearable. Sawyer Legal Group is here to help. Our highly skilled sex crimes attorneys have decades of combined experience representing clients throughout Colorado. Our results stand alone. Perhaps the touching in your case wasn't for the purpose of sexual gratification or maybe the alleged victim is embellishing what actually occurred. Nonetheless, contact our office today for a free consultation. We will hear your side of the story and also suggest next steps in forming a strong defense on your behalf.
If you or someone you know is in need of an experienced sex crimes attorney, be smart. Contact the unparalleled defense lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.
Photo Credit: Pixabay – nrjfalcon1
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