Disregarding the safety of others while operating a car can lead to a reckless driving charge in Jefferson County. As more and more drivers multitask behind the wheel, the smallest of errors can become problematic. This doesn't just apply to operating a car, truck, or van either. Bikes, e-bikes, and scooters are other modes of transportation where someone can be accused of reckless driving. With county jail time and fines looming, contacting an attorney with experience navigating Jeffco traffic crimes is essential.
Jefferson County Reckless Driving Law
Jefferson County's reckless driving law prohibits certain behaviors in the driver's seat. CRS 42-4-1401 defines reckless driving in Lakewood, Arvada, and Golden. Law enforcement will pursue a charge if they believe you:
- drove a motor vehicle, bicycle, electrical assisted bicycle, or low-power scooter,
- in such a manner that indicates a wanton or willful disregard,
- for the safety of people or property
Speeding dangerously, weaving in and out of traffic, and other risky driving behaviors in residential areas are typical scenarios. If your reckless driving causes a serious injury to another, the heightened charge of vehicular assault is likely.
How Bad is Reckless Driving in Lakewood?
Each reckless driving conviction comes with unique consequences. As a class 2 traffic misdemeanor, defendants in these cases face:
- up to 3 months in county jail,
- a max fine of $300,
- 8 points (if driving a motor vehicle)
The points can put some drivers at risk of a license suspension. There can also be restitution amounts on top of the fines listed above. Penalties for a second reckless driving can be more severe. As many as 6 months in jail and fines of $1K can result in these cases.
Lakewood Attorney for Reckless Driving
Contacting an attorney early on is important when accused of reckless driving, especially if damage was caused or someone was injured. Our highly-rated traffic attorneys have decades of combined experience successfully navigating reckless driving charges throughout Jefferson, Boulder, and Park County. Perhaps your vehicle was driven by someone else or your driving was more careless than reckless. Nevertheless, contact our office today for a free, confidential consultation. We will analyze your unique case, answer your questions, and suggest next steps in your defense. With affordable fees and flexible payment plans, skilled representation is a reality for Colorado's drivers.
Don't talk to police about reckless driving - talk to us. 303-830-0880
Photo by Jackson David
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