Doing something that causes another to be at risk of serious bodily injury is charged as Reckless Endangerment in Denver, Aurora, and Castle Rock. In a widely publicized story, a teenager has been charged with this crime after pushing her friend off a 60-foot bridge. According to the report, the alleged victim, her 16-year-old friend, was standing on the edge of the bridge deciding whether or not to jump off into the water. She alleges that she had decided against it, when her friend pushed her shoulders, forcing her off the side of the bridge and into the water below. The unexpected plunge caused her to have a punctured lung, five broken ribs and a bruised esophagus.
Douglas County Reckless Endangerment Attorney: Definition of Reckless Endangerment in Arapahoe County
The Douglas and Arapahoe County, Colorado law definition of Reckless Endangerment – C.R.S. 18-3-208 – is:
“A person who recklessly engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of serious bodily injury to another person commits reckless endangerment, which is a class 3 misdemeanor.”
Reckless Endangerment is not an intent crime, which means it doesn't matter whether the friend intended to hurt the girl or not. Likely, she thought it would be funny or decided she needed some encouragement to get over her fears. My guess is that she had no intention of hurting her friend. But, that doesn't matter when it comes to this crime – and it's not a defense.
Sentence for Reckless Endangerment in Adams and Jefferson County
As it states in the definition, Reckless Endangerment is a class 3 misdemeanor in Jefferson and Adams County. This level misdemeanor is punishable by up to 6 months in the Jefferson County Jail and up to $750 in fines. If this had occurred in Brighton or Golden, I wouldn't have been surprised if the friend was charged with Third Degree Assault as well, because her actions caused another bodily injury.
Get Help Now
If you or someone you love has been charged with, accused of, or arrested for Reckless Endangerment, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best criminal defense attorneys from Sawyer Legal Group at 303-830-0880 to schedule a free consultation or set up a jail visit. Together, we can protect your future. Request a Free Consultation
Image Source: Pixabay-pasja1000
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