Incidents of road rage can often end in impactful criminal charges. Things like traffic in Thornton, construction along I-25, and distracted driving in Arvada can all aggravate men and women behind the wheel. When they do, some individuals lose their cool and act impulsively, resulting in aggressive driving and violence. Firing of a deadly weapon can even occur, much like this incident just a few months ago in Colorado. Road rage can escalate quickly and when it does, consulting a expert road rage lawyer is essential in protecting your future.
Road Rage Crimes in Thornton
While there are many different offenses that might be related to a road rage situation, some of the most commonly seen are:
Reckless endangerment can apply to aggressive driving when a person chooses to follow another car too closely, purposefully strikes someone's bumper, or remain behind another car when there are opportunities to pass. Menacing may result if a driver takes an action that places another in fear of injury. If someone were to show a firearm in their car when experiencing road rage they could face a felony charge. Finally, assault results when driver's road rage becomes physical and someone is injured.
Is Honking Your Horn Considered Road Rage in Colorado?
Honking the horn in a vehicle is often the predecessor to road rage. One honk leads to another honk, and so on and so forth. Many use this tool to inform other driver's of their poor driving habits or express anger. However, it is meant as a safety measure to be used in situations like warning another driver who is drifting into your lane or about to collide with your vehicle. Excessive honking back and forth can really lead to discomfort and tempers often flare.
Defense Lawyer for Traffic Crimes in Adams County
It is vital that anyone facing a criminal charge as a result of a road rage incident contact an experienced defense lawyer right away. Extreme care must be taken in situations that can quickly escalate from a misdemeanor to a felony. There is vital evidence in these cases that must be preserved and carefully analyzed by an expert traffic crime attorney. We highly recommend that you exercise your right to remain silent in these situations. Don't provide statements about what happened to police or answer an investigator's phone call. Instead, call a highly rated defense attorney who can speak on your behalf and prioritize your best possible outcome.
If you or someone you know is facing a charge related to road rage, be smart. Contact the strategic defense lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.
Photo Credit: Pixabay – StockSnap
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