Having sexual contact with a minor when you are in a position of trust is charged as Sexual Assault on a Child by One in a Position of Trust in Denver, Golden, and Brighton. A teacher was recently charged with this crime, among others like Promotion of Obscenity to a Minor, for getting inappropriately involved with two students. According to the report, the teacher had showed the students pictures of himself and buying them both sex toys, asking them to record themselves using the toys. He is also accused of engaging in oral sex with each of the students in his classroom. The teacher was arrested and charged with Sexual Assault on a Child by a Teacher.
Douglas and Arapahoe County Sexual Assault in a Child – Position of Trust Definition
The Arapahoe and Douglas County, Colorado law definition of Sexual Assault on a Child by One in a Position of Trust – C.R.S. 18-3-405.3 – is:
“(1) Any actor who knowingly subjects another not his or her spouse to any sexual contact commits sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust if the victim is a child less than eighteen years of age and the actor committing the offense is one in a position of trust with respect to the victim.”
Teachers, counselors, babysitters, mentors, day care workers, tutors, parents, step-parents, and the significant other of a parent are all considered people in a position of trust over a child.
Sentence for Sexual Assault on a Child by One in a Position of Trust in Adams and Jefferson County
In Jefferson and Adams County, Sexual Assault on a Child – Position of Trust is a class 3 or class 4 felony depending on if there are any aggravating factors. For this crime, an aggravating factor would be if the child was under the age of 15 or if the sexual assault was a pattern of abuse – more than one separate occurrence. Then it is charged as a class 3 felony. The class 4 felony is charged if the child is 15, 16, or 17 years old and there was no pattern of abuse.
Get Help Now
If you or someone you love has been charged with, accused of, or arrested for Sexual Assault on a Child, be smart exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best criminal defense attorneys from Sawyer Legal Group at 303-830-0880 to schedule your free consultation or set up a jail visit. Together, we can protect your future.Request a Free Consultation
Image Source: Pixabay – Wokandapix
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