In this week's Simplified Law blog, we're going to discuss a sex offense which is charged often in Denver, Adams, and Jefferson County. Indecent Exposure charges are significant, however. Even though this crime is only a misdemeanor, it is a sex offense, which means a person will be required to go through sex offender treatment and register as a sex offender upon conviction in Douglas, Arapahoe, and El Paso County. Let's dig deeper into the definition of this offense so we can understand it more fully.
The Lawyer's Definition of Indecent Exposure
The legal jargon:
“Aperson commits indecent exposure:(a) If he or she knowingly exposes his or her genitals to the view of any person under circumstances in which such conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm to the other person with the intent to arouse or to satisfy the sexual desire of any person; (b) If he or she knowingly performs an act of masturbation in a manner which exposes the act to the view of any person under circumstances in which such conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm to the other person.”
Facing Indecent Exposure charges?
Get Help Now!The Simplified Definition of Indecent Exposure
The simplified version:
“Aperson commits indecent exposure if they: 1) Knowingly expose their genitals, 2) in a way which is likely to cause alarm, 3) with the intent to satisfy or arouse any person's sexual desire, or if they masturbate in public.”Examples of Indecent Exposure Charges

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Movie Theater Arrest
Carl is lonely. He was married for 25 years, but then his wife divorced him for another man. One day, he hears about an adult movie theater in Aurora from a friend, and heads there after work. In the middle of the movie, the lights are thrown on, and a police officer begins making arrests. Carl had no idea sting operations were commonplace in adult movie theaters. Aurora police officers are arresting anyone caught masturbating in a public place. Now, in addition to dealing with his divorce, Carl is facing Indecent Exposure charges.

Image Credit: Pixabay – susannp4
Drunken Exposure
Tim has had a great couple of months. He got a promotion at work, he bought a new house, and life is good. He decides to go out and celebrate with friends. They head to a bar in Colorado Springs, and Tim starts drinking. The alcohol hits him hard, and his friends are just as drunk and aren't holding each other accountable. Tim wanders to a park, where he passes out. In his current state of mind, Tim has no idea he is exposing himself to public view. A woman happens across him and calls the police – he is now facing Indecent Exposure charges.
Why You Need a Lawyer for Indecent Exposure Charges
Indecent Exposure charges are nothing to take lightly. People often think that misdemeanor convictions aren't that big of a deal. In one way, they are right – misdemeanor sentences are lighter than a felony sentence. But, whether you have a felony or misdemeanor conviction on your record, it can be difficult to find a job or housing. Also, Indecent Exposure is a sex offense – which is unusual for a misdemeanor crime. If a person is convicted, they will be required to:
1.Undergo sex offender treatment overseen by the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB). This treatment is one-size-fits all, harsh and difficult to go through.
2.Register as a sex offender. Registered sex offenders are often outcasts in society – people assume the worst and don't take the time to find out why you were convicted.
Don't plead guilty to avoid jail time – take the time to contact an aggressive criminal defense lawyer who will take a look at your case in order to determine your next step. Protect your future by working with an attorney who fights to win in court.
Get Help Now
If you or a loved one is facing Indecent Exposure charges in Colorado, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at the O'Malley Law Office for a free consultation at 303-830-0880. If you or a friend needs a jail visit from an attorney, we can do that. Together, we will protect your future.Request a Free Consultation
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