The crime of unlawful sexual contact in Jefferson County, Colorado typically involves unwanted touching of intimate parts. When someone gropes or fondles another person without consent in Lakewood, Arvada, or Golden, sex crime charges can follow. While this is a less serious offense than sexual assault, conviction can still lead to time in jail, fines, and sex offender registration. Contact an experienced unlawful sexual contact attorney right away if you're facing allegations anywhere in Colorado.
Colorado's Unlawful Sexual Contact Law
Unlawful sexual contact in Colorado is described in CRS 18-3-404. You commit this crime in Lakewood, Littleton, or Golden if you:
- knowingly touch another person's intimate parts without consent,
- cause someone to touch your intimate parts without their consent,
- OR entice a minor under the age of 18 to expose their intimate parts or to have sex with another person for your sexual gratification
Intimate parts include the genitals, butt, breasts, or pubic area. These intimate parts don't have to be exposed either. Unwanted touching of these areas of the body even when clothed can result in sex crime charges in Jefferson County.
Is a Sexual Contact Charge a Misdemeanor or Felony?
Unlawful sexual contact is most often a class 1 misdemeanor throughout the state of Colorado. Conviction in Jefferson County can result in:
- up to 12 months in county jail,
- fines of up to $1,000
However, when the sexual contact involves any threats, intimidation, force, or drugging, a felony applies. Sentencing parameters in these cases include:
- 2 – 8 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections,
- fines of $2,000 – $500,000
An unlawful sexual contact conviction also results in the requirement to register as a sex offender. This added punishment can be especially difficult to navigate as sex offenders are often isolated from their community. Trouble finding stable employment and housing aren't uncommon for RSOs.
Jefferson County Unlawful Sexual Contact Attorney
Just because you've been accused of unwanted sexual contact doesn't mean you're guilty. Fortunately, our criminal lawyers have decades of combined experience representing clients facing these same charges. Our results truly speak for themselves.
Perhaps the contact in your case was accidental, there was consent, or the touching wasn't for sexual gratification. Nevertheless, contact our office today for a free initial consultation. We will thoroughly analyze your unique situation, as well as recommend next steps in your defense.
So, if you or someone you know is facing accusations of unlawful sexual contact in Colorado, be smart. Call the best sex crime lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.
Photo by Sarah Cervantes
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