There are many different actions that can lead to a protection order violation in Denver, Arapahoe, or Adams County. A VPO charge can follow if a restrained person contacts, harasses, or intimidates a protected party in some way. Whether a civil or criminal restraining order is in place, defendants face an uphill battle if accused of not abiding by the restrictions within the protective order. This means staying away from the protected person's residence, their work, and places they frequent. If you're under the confines of a no-contact order and are being accused of a violation, it's best to contact a skilled VPO lawyer right away. Below we discuss VPO in greater detail and how we can help those facing allegations.
Violation of a Protection Order Law in Denver
Denver's VPO law prohibits violating the terms and conditions of a criminal or civil protection order. CRS 18-6-803.5 defines the specific elements of this crime in Denver, Aurora, and Thornton. You commit this offense if, as a restrained person, you:
- contact, harass, injure, intimidate, molest, threaten, or touch,
- a protected person or their property (including an animal),
- or enter, remain, or come within a specific distance of the protected person's property
While some of these things can be done by accident, Colorado courts aren't often forgiving when it comes to a VPO. Electronic communication can be especially problematic. Restrained parties should be very careful when sending texts, emails, or interacting on social media as a no-contact order applies to this form of communication as well. Should you receive a call, text, DM, or email from the protected party in your case it is crucial that you not respond.
How Bad is VPO in Colorado?
Each VPO is different. Penalties for a conviction won't always look the same. A first-time conviction for violating a protection order can result in:
- a county jail sentence of 3 - 18 months,
- fines of $250 - $5,000
However, a second or subsequent VPO becomes an extraordinary risk crime. Sentencing parameters in these situations can increase to:
- 6 - 24 months in county jail,
- a maximum fine of $5K
Experienced Denver VPO Attorney
Restraining orders come with many restrictions and complications. Accusations of violating them are serious and require contacting a skilled criminal lawyer right away. We have decades of combined experience fighting protection order violations throughout the Denver area and are prepared for your unique case. Perhaps you didn't violate the order, the contact was accidental, or you're being falsely accused. That said, contact our office today for a free, confidential consultation. We will careful analyze your VPO case, as well as suggest next steps in your defense. Our affordable fees and flexible payment plans make skilled representation a reality for those facing allegations throughout Colorado.
Don't talk to the police about a VPO - talk to us. Sawyer Legal Group, LLC 303-830-0880
Photo by Maxwell Ridgeway
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