Hit and run laws in Jefferson County, Colorado prohibit drivers from leaving the scene of traffic accidents. These actions can be a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the extent of injury to others. Jail time, fines, and suspension of your driver's license can all result from a conviction of hit and run in Colorado.
There are even strict ramifications for leaving the scene after only damaging property as well. Consult an experienced hit and run attorney today if you're being accused of leaving the scene of an accident in Colorado.
Jefferson County Hit and Run Laws
There are important steps to remember when a collision occurs on the highway or in your neighborhood. Car accidents can be traumatic incidents and drivers in Lakewood, Arvada, and Golden often don't make the best choices in these moments. If you hit an occupied vehicle, traffic laws require you to:
- remain at the scene,
- give anyone injured reasonable assistance,
- provide your name, address, and vehicle registration number,
- AND file an accident report with law enforcement if police weren't at the scene
There are very few exceptions to these responsibilities. Leaving to report the accident to police or due to your need of immediate medical attention are sometimes permitted.
If you hit an unoccupied vehicle or someone's property, other requirements exist. When damage occurs, the driver must try to locate and notify the owner or leave a note in an obvious place. This message needs to include your name, address, and vehicle registration number. Additionally, drivers still need to report the accident to police and return to the scene if asked.
When is Hit and Run a Felony in Colorado?
Hit and run is a misdemeanor in Jefferson County in the following situations:
- leaving the scene after damaging property,
- hitting an unattended vehicle,
- OR causing non-serious injuries
Penalties in these cases can include up to 12 months in county jail, a maximum fine of $1,000, and 12 points against your driving record. However, hit and run becomes a felony when it results in serious bodily injury or death. Conviction can lead to years in the Colorado Department of Corrections and six-figure fines.
Best Traffic Attorney in Jefferson County
If you're searching for the best traffic attorney in Jefferson County, look no further than Sawyer Legal Group, LLC. Strategic, experienced representation is crucial in cases of leaving the scene of a car accident.
Perhaps you didn't realize anyone was hurt or you left due to the severity of your own injuries. That said, contact our law office for a free consultation. We will carefully look over your hit and run case, as well as suggest next steps in your defense. Our affordable fees and flexible payment plans make getting a skilled lawyer possible in uncertain times.
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