Paying your taxes is frustrating. This is an indisputable fact for every tax-payer in the United States. And sometimes, frustration can get the best of you. Taxes proved too overwhelming for one woman, who was arrested after she was caught on video head-butting a tax worker. The fight began as a verbal disagreement, and then quickly escalated. In Denver, Arapahoe, and Boulder County, this woman would likely be facing Third Degree Assault charges. Let's take a closer look at this story so we can learn more.
Taxes Disagreement Ends in 3rd Degree Assault Charge

Image Credit: Pixabay – stevepb
In the viral video, two women are seen arguing in a Wal-Mart store. One of the women is a tax worker employed with Jackson Hewitt. The tax worker began swearing at her customer, telling her to get her “poor (expletive) out [of] the store.” Then, she further attacked the other woman with verbal abuse. The two get closer and closer, until the customer grows infuriated, and can be seen head butting the tax worker. They begin to grapple on the floor, until they are pulled apart.
Facing Assault charges?
Get Help Now!Third Degree Assault Charges and ‘Bodily Injury'
Third Degree Assault – C.R.S. 18-3-204, is charged whenever someone causes bodily injury to another person. According to Colorado statute 18-1-901, bodily injury is defined as:
“..physical pain, illness, or any impairment of physical or mental condition.”
As you can see, this is an extremely vague definition. Everyone handles pain differently, and the law even states the impairment can be a mental one. It's not difficult to be charged with Third Degree Assault in Adams, Douglas, or Jefferson County. Often, 3rd Degree Assault is charged when the police don't know what else to charge after a public fight.
Additional Charges Can be Added
The woman who head-butted the tax worker was also charged with Trespassing. Apparently, the two women had a disagreement the day before. Likely, the management of the Wal-Mart told the The Domestic Violence label is attached whenever a crime is committed between two people who have been in an ‘intimate relationship.'customer to stay away from the store, and she didn't comply. Third Degree Trespassing is often charged when people refuse to leave a home or business, or return after being excluded. Another common addition to criminal charges in Colorado is Domestic Violence. If a crime is committed between two people who have been in an ‘intimate relationship' (click the link to learn about how vague this definition is), the sentence enhancer of Domestic Violence is added. A conviction of a DV-related crime would require the defendant to pay for and complete Domestic Violence treatment, as well as undergo a harsher sentence.
Don't let a moment of frustration define your future – contact a lawyer to defend you in court.Frustration Get the Best of You? A Lawyer Can Help
If you let your frustration get the best of you and were charged with a crime, don't hesitate to contact a hard-hitting criminal defense attorney to get involved early in your case. You might have a valid self-defense claim. Don't let a mistake or bad decision determine your future. A knowledgeable lawyer will be able to look at your case and work to create a favorable plea agreement, or get your case dismissed.
Get Help Now
If you or a loved one has been charged with 3rd Degree Assault, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at the O'Malley Law Office for a free consultation at 303-830-0880. We can also visit your family member in the Denver or Arapahoe County Jail. Together, we can protect your future.Request a Free Consultation
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