Patronizing a prostitute is a criminal charge in Denver that stems from engaging in sexual acts with someone after paying them for sex. Whether you offer money or something of value, once sexual contact has begun or you enter or remain in a place where this occurs intending to participate, criminal charges can follow. These cases go beyond acts of asking for sex in exchange for money, which is soliciting a prostitute in Colorado. Several months in county jail and significant fines can result for a conviction of patronizing a prostitute. Contact our Denver prostitution lawyers today if you or someone you know is facing an allegation of a prostitution-related crime.
Denver Patronizing a Prostitute Law
Denver's prostitution laws prohibit engaging in sexual acts with a prostitute. CRS 18-7-205 addresses patronizing prostitutes specifically. You commit this offense in Denver, Aurora, or Lakewood if you:
- engage in a sexual act with a prostitute,
- OR enter or remain in a place of prostitution intending to engage in sexual acts
In many of these cases, not only has the person patronizing committed an offense, but also the individual who accepted the offer and performed sexual acts. While a lesser offense, prostitution itself is still unlawful throughout Colorado.
How Bad is Patronizing a Prostitute in Colorado?
While soliciting a prostitute is a petty offense, patronizing a prostitute is also a petty offense. Defendants in these cases face:
- a county jail sentence of up to 10 days,
- fines of $500 - $10,000
This increased fine range applies as much as $5,000 to Colorado's prostitution enforcement cash fund.
Denver Prostitution Attorney
While there have been efforts to decriminalize prostitution in Colorado, it is currently still unlawful as we approach 2021. Accusations of patronizing a prostitute are serious and require contacting a skilled criminal defense attorney early on to help protect your future. We have decades of combined experience successfully fighting prostitution crime charges throughout the Denver area and are prepared for your unique case.
Perhaps the individual wasn't a prostitute, you didn't pay or offer anything for sex, or you didn't know the location was a place of prostitution. That said, contact our office for a free, confidential consultation. Our affordable fees and flexible payment plans make strategic representation a reality in times of uncertainty.
Don't talk to police about prostitution charges - talk to us. 303-830-0880
Photo by Joshua Rondeau
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