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Criminal Defense Blog

Persistent Drunk Driver in Denver, Colorado and the EtG Test

Posted by Unknown | Oct 07, 2016 | 0 Comments

Did you know you can be labeled a Persistent Drunk Driver after getting one DUI in Denver or any other area of Colorado? Many people are commonly labeled a Persistent Drunk Driver after repeated DUI convictions, but you can still be labeled a Persistent Drunk Driver if your blood alcohol level is .150 or higher in one drinking and driving episode. In today's blog, we'll discuss the PDD label in more detail and what to expect if you're labeled a Persistent Drunk Driver in Colorado.

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Persistent Drunk Driver in Arapahoe County: PDD Label

In Arapahoe County and across Colorado, you can be labeled a Persistent Drunk Driver if:

  1. Your BAC is .150 or more from a breath or blood test;
  2. You were convicted of 2 or more alcohol-related driving offenses or you had your license revoked for 2 or more alcohol-related driving offenses;
  3. You were driving when your license was under restraint, revocation or suspension for an alcohol-related driving offense;
  4. You refuse a blood, saliva or urine test as required by law for any suspected alcohol or drug driving offenses, such as DUI or DWAI, Vehicular Homicide or Vehicular Assault.

Consequences of Persistent Drunk Driver Conviction in Douglas and Adams County, Colorado

If you're considered a Persistent Drunk Driver (PDD) in Douglas County, Adams County or anywhere else in Colorado, you may be required to have an interlock restricted driver's license, an interlock device in your car for at least 2 years, and be required to take a level II alcohol education course. Additionally, if you have a .20 BAC or higher in a DUI case, you must spend at least 10 days in a county jail. You may be entitled to work release, but not always. You should speak with an experienced DUI lawyer at the O'Malley Law Office if you've been labeled a Persistent Drunk Driver to determine what your options might be going forward. Your freedom is worth the call.

Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG) Test in Jefferson County for DUI / Driving Under the Influence Cases

If you weren't aware, there is a new urine test that's used in defense of DUI cases to find any evidence of alcohol consumption in Jefferson County and across Colorado. This is called an EtG test, otherwise known as an Ethyl Glucuronide test. Though the EtG test is sensitive, it's not always accurate when it comes to distinguishing real alcohol consumption from alcohol consumption resulting from exposure to alcohol in certain products, such as household products or hygiene products. The Ethyl Glucuronide test is sensitive enough to detect alcohol in urine days after alcohol consumption. The problem with this sensitivity is that it will detect alcohol almost too easily. For example, the EtG test can detect alcohol and produce false positives if someone has consumed alcohol in foods, hand sanitizers, cosmetics and sometimes medication.

Denver DUI and DWAI Attorney Refuting Charges and False Accusations with EtG Test

With the help of an experienced DUI lawyer in Denver, we can bring any false negatives from the EtG test to the prosecutor's attention while in court. With an EtG negative, we can prove you did not consume any alcohol, which can prove your innocence to your accusers, the DA, judge and jury. This test can be helpful in other circumstances too.  For example, perhaps your ex-husband gets into a fight with you and falsely accuses you of drinking while on probation. Or, maybe your girlfriend accuses you of drinking while having a firearm on you. A knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer can counter their false accusations with negative results from your EtG test. The involvement of a DUI lawyer in your criminal case is imperative. Don't wait if facing any accusations or charges of a DUI or DWAI in Colorado. Call the O'Malley Law Office immediately.

Get Help Now

If you or a loved one is facing DWAI or DUI charges in Colorado, be smart and exercise your right to remain silent. Then, contact a criminal defense lawyer at the O'Malley Law Office at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.Request a Free Consultation

Image Credit: Pixabay – webandi

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